Tag: Security Automation

4 Reasons Your SaaS Attack Surface Can No Longer be Ignored

What do identity risks, data security risks and third-party risks all have in common? They are all made much worse by SaaS sprawl. Every...

A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Service Accounts in Active Directory

Service accounts are vital in any enterprise, running automated processes like managing applications or scripts. However, without proper monitoring, they can pose a significant...

6 Simple Steps to Eliminate SOC Analyst Burnout

The current SOC model relies on a scarce resource: human analysts. These professionals are expensive, in high demand, and increasingly difficult to retain. Their...

What’s the Best Approach to Vulnerability Prioritization?

Many businesses rely on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to assess the severity of vulnerabilities for prioritization. While these scores provide some insight...

A Solution to SOAR’s Unfulfilled Promises

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) was introduced with the promise of revolutionizing Security Operations Centers (SOCs) through automation, reducing manual workloads and enhancing...

Experience the Power of a Must-Have All-in-One Cybersecurity Platform

Let's be honest. The world of cybersecurity feels like a constant war zone. You're bombarded by threats, scrambling to keep up with patches, and...

Enhancing Incident Response Readiness with Wazuh

Incident response is a structured approach to managing and addressing security breaches or cyber-attacks. Security teams must overcome challenges such as timely detection, comprehensive...

How To Get the Most From Your Safety Group’s E mail...

We'll TL;DR the FUDdy introduction: everyone knows that phishing assaults are on the rise in scale and complexity, that AI is enabling extra refined...

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