Apple initially introduced the HomePod mini in 2020 alongside the iPhone 12 lineup, and since then, the product has remained mostly untouched. Apple added some new color options in 2021, including blue, orange, and yellow. The company also replaced Space Gray with Midnight this year, which looks the same – except its now 100% recycled mesh fabric.
However, for the first time in half a decade, Apple will finally be updating the HomePod mini, with a couple of enhancements.
New networking chip
One of the only rumored upgrades with the upcoming HomePod mini is that Apple will be introducing its own in-house networking chip, codenamed ‘Proxima’, in the product. HomePod mini will be one of the first products to gain this networking chip, and will introduce Wi-Fi 6E to HomePod mini.
Additionally, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has mentioned the fact that Apple’s networking chip has the capability to serve as a wireless access point, potentially allowing the HomePod mini to be far more than just a smart speaker. It’s unclear whether or not Apple intends to utilize this capability, though. If they did, it could allow for the HomePod mini to serve as part of a Wi-Fi mesh network, similar to the long-discontinued AirPort Express.
Apple Intelligence
Unfortunately, despite the HomePod being such a great place for Apple Intelligence features, especially when it comes to Siri, it isn’t currently rumored that HomePod nor HomePod mini will be gaining support for Apple Intelligence features. Apple’s upcoming smart home display, which some refer to as ‘HomePad’, is expected to gain Apple Intelligence, however.
Apple would need to introduce an A17 Pro or A18 chipset in the HomePod mini for Apple Intelligence features, which would likely increase costs to a high degree. Apple currently uses Apple Watch chipsets inside of the HomePod, with the mini equipping the S5 chipset from the Apple Watch Series 5 and 1st generation Apple Watch SE.
At the very least, Apple could hopefully introduce features like ChatGPT integration, or rely on Private Cloud Compute for Apple Intelligence Siri requests from HomePod. Neither of these would require a ton of on-board compute, but it would obviously have a server cost to Apple. Maybe they’d just eat the cost for the sake of Siri actually being good, or they’d require users to be paying for a certain iCloud+ tier. Only time will tell.
Release date
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, HomePod mini 2 will debut next year:
Apple will begin rolling out the combined Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip as part of new home devices scheduled for next year, including refreshed versions of its TV set-top box and HomePod mini smart speaker.
Are you looking forward to the upcoming HomePod mini? What other upgrades would you like to see in the product? Let us know in the comments.
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