OneXPlayer has revealed its latest gaming handheld design, with an odd combination that sees a single device operating as both a laptop and a handheld. The new OneXPlayer G1 is the first product from the company in this form factor, as it starts using the latest AMD Strix Point processors.
While the Steam Deck currently reigns as the best gaming handheld right now, OneXPlayer has been in this sector for even longer than Valve. The companyβs new OneXPlayer G1 is quite a boxy device, with similar looks to the GPD Win Max 2. It opens like a laptop, with a removable keyboard and then, when youβre ready to game on it, you can pick it up like a controller.
That keyboard is held down with magnets. However, once youβre ready to play, you can remove it to reveal the controller, where thereβs also a smaller, capacitive touch keyboard underneath.
The hybrid laptop handheld comes with an 8.8-inch screen, which can hit a 144Hz resolution with a 2.5K resolution. While we donβt expect most modern games to support 1440p on the hardware, much older titles will be in a world of luxury.
Inside is an AMD Ryzen 9 HX 370 CPU, the same one found in the recently launched OneXPlayer F1 Pro. This chip can hit well over 100fps in the racing title Forza Horizon 5, and with the backing of AMDβs FSR tech, it can even chomp through graphically intensive games such as Cyberpunk 2077.
Thereβs no launch date yet, and itβs not even available to pre-order. Instead, OneXPlayer will be making the G1 available through Indiegogo, an alternative to Kickstarter. If itβs run like other handheld Indiegogo campaigns, there will be a price cut for those who back it early.
The handheld world is heating up, as Lenovo is also expected to reveal its next-generation hardware at CES 2025. Not only that, but Nvidia is also expected to lift the lid on the RTX 5090, which is likely to take the best graphics card title when itβs eventually released.